
Bloomberg Calls For Technocracy Over Democracy, Says "Defend the banks... these are my peeps."

Posted on: Mon, 02/24/2020 - 17:05 By: Tom Swiss
photo of Michael Bloomberg

One simply cannot kick Michael Bloomberg enough. On Twitter, Walker Bragman posted video from 2010 where Michael Bloomberg argues, in the most literal possible sense, against democracy and for authoritarian technocracy without checks on the executive.

Prominent Clintonist Literally Calls For Bloomberg To Buy The Election

Posted on: Sat, 02/22/2020 - 21:17 By: Tom Swiss
article image from CNN

Joe Lockhart was White House press secretary to impeached President and accused rapist Bill Clinton. For some reason CNN gives him a platform, which he is now using to call for racist Islamophobic authoritarian billionaire Michael Bloomberg to buy the primary election out from under frontrunner Bernie Sanders, long one of the most popular politicians in the nation.

"Michael Bloomberg is the only Democratic contender who might actually be worse than Trump."
photo of Michael Bloomberg
Tom Swiss Sat, 02/15/2020 - 10:51

At Jacobin, Ross Barkan details the awfulness of Michael Bloomberg: authoritarian crack-downs on protestors (the 2004 Republican convention, Occupy Wall Street), racist stop-and-frisk and surveillance of Muslim communities, support for the criminal invasion of Iraq, apologetics for China and Saudi Arabia, and policies that increased inequality and economic injustice.

It is shameful that the Democrats are even considering this guy.

Bloomberg's Muslim Surveillance

Posted on: Thu, 02/13/2020 - 16:08 By: Tom Swiss
Michael Bloomberg

A whole lot of Democrats seem to have forgotten -- or, hypocritically to their protests against Trump's "Muslim ban", not care -- that under Democratic Presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg's administration, the New York Police Department sent undercover informants into Muslim communities, and engaged in video surveillance and recorded license plate numbers of mosque attendees, for no reason other than these these folks were Muslims.

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