
Why "Of Oz The Wizard" is a Discordian masterpiece

Posted on: Fri, 01/08/2016 - 19:06 By: Tom Swiss

I don't know what inspired Matt Bucy to take The Wizard of Oz and remix so that every bit of dialog is in alphabetical order. But in so doing he's given a brilliant illustration of one of the core tenet of Discordianism, the "Law of Eristic Escalation": Imposition of Order = escalation of Disorder.

By imposing an order on The Wizard of Oz that does not arise naturally from the work, Bucy has created beautiful chaos. Hail Eris!

Some Madman Edited The Wizard Of Oz To Be In Alphabetical Order, And I Can’t Look Away (www.cinemablend.com)

Sometimes you have to just sit back and appreciate the internet in all of its ludicrous glory. Sure, there will be some of you that think the decision by a deranged editor to slice together all of the dialogue from The Wizard Of Oz in alphabetical order is a giant waste of time, when it actually it should be celebrated for being so hugely superfluous but still finding an audience on the world wide web. The result is also oddly hypnotic. Especially when it gets to actual words....

NC small town bans solar farms over ridiculous fears
Tom Swiss Sun, 12/13/2015 - 19:18

The only problem with democracy is the people. (But it's an even worse problem in every other system we've come up with.)

Woodland rejects solar farm (www.roanoke-chowannewsherald.com)

During the public comment period preceding the rezoning vote, citizens expressed distrust and fear of the solar panels.

Misplaced planes and the incompetence of businesses
Tom Swiss Fri, 12/11/2015 - 14:09

747s are rather large and expensive pieces of equipment. It takes a major screwup to misplace one. Yet some company (perhaps Swift Air Cargo left *three* of them sitting around in Kuala Lumpur.

Free-market fundamentalists are fond of claiming that the private sector is more efficient and competent than the government. I have to wonder if such people have ever worked in the private sector. Incompetence is the rule everywhere, from government agencies to Fortune 500 companies to microbusinesses. And that should leave us concerned about not just allocating too much power to the state but also about creating powerful state-backed legal structures like "corporations" -- or even "property" itself -- which can let incompetence steamroll over people.

Kuala Lumpur airport seeks owner of 'abandoned' jets - BBC News (BBC News)

Officials at Malaysia's main airport have taken out a newspaper advert seeking the owner of three Boeing 747 jets they say have been left unclaimed.

The notice said if the owners "fail to collect the aircraft within 14 days..., we reserve the right to sell or otherwise dispose of the aircraft".

It said fees for landing and parking were also owed.

An airport official was quoted as saying they had tried to contact the jets' last known owners.

"I don't know why they are not responding. There could be many reasons. Sometimes it could be because they have no money to continue operations," Zainol Mohd Isa, general manager of Malaysia Airports, told AFP.

Robber said Freemasons made him do it. Will no one bail out the widow's son?

Posted on: Wed, 12/02/2015 - 11:07 By: Tom Swiss

It's an Illuminati plot, that's what it is.

Christian author claims Freemasons made him rob Hoover movie theater (AL.com)

A Christian author who writes about New World Order and spiritual enlightenment seemingly took a dark turn when he donned a mask and robbed a Hoover movie theater at gunpoint in broad daylight, police said today.

...Hoover police today announced a first-degree robbery charge against 33-year-old Britton Clayton Traylor, who drove to the theater in his Porsche 911 Carerra and claimed he committed the brazen crime as part of his initiation to earn a higher degree as a Freemason.

"We're not really buying that as we've never heard of Masons instructing members to commit criminal acts,'' said Hoover police spokesman Capt. Gregg Rector. "It's really one of the most ridiculous excuses that we've heard lately. He may have achieved a higher level of stupidity, but that's about it."

Deaf Three-Year-Old Not Allowed to Sign His Name Because It Violates Preschool's Weapons Policy (Gawker)

Posted on: Tue, 08/28/2012 - 18:02 By: Tom Swiss

From the "OMFG you must be kidding me" department: Deaf Three-Year-Old Not Allowed to Sign His Name Because It Violates Preschool's Weapons Policy (Gawker)

A deaf preschooler in Grand Island, Nebraska, has been prohibited from signing his own name because school administrators believe the gesture he uses looks too much like a gun.

Would-be good Samaritans inadvertently allow robbery suspect to escape Tom Swiss Thu, 08/23/2012 - 14:19

Gender bias bites would-be Good Samaritans...they saw a man and a woman fighting, the man must be the attacker, right? Not quite.

Plainfield police: Would-be good Samaritans inadvertently allow robbery suspect to escape (MyCentralJersey.com)

Two people driving down West Front Street together on Monday morning apparently thought they were doing the right thing when they leaped out of their vehicle and rushed to the defense of what appeared to be a man assaulting a woman, authorities said.


...The victim reported that he was attacked by an unknown female as he was walking down the street, then robbed of about $400 in cash and a gold chain valued at about $500, according to Hellwig.

The victim said he tried to prevent his assailant from leaving the area, engaging her in a physical struggle, when the passing motorists apparently intervened, restraining him but not assaulting him, Hellwig said.

Nevada Secretary of State Wins His MMA Debut, Retires Tom Swiss Wed, 08/22/2012 - 17:46

Like most Americans, I've often felt the urge to punch a politician. I'd have to think twice about mixing it up with Nevada's MMA-fighting Secretary of State, Ross Miller.
Norm! Vegas Confidential reports:

Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller is retiring. He's walking away from mixed martial arts as an undefeated light heavyweight.

There goes that dream division matchup between Jon “Bones” Jones, the face of the UFC, and Miller, 1-0.

“I’m one and done,” said Miller by telephone from Reno. “Competing in an MMA event was on my bucket list. Now that I’ve got done it I’ve got a day job and an important election coming up.”

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