Japan 2007 - fall

Obama in Japan

Posted on: Mon, 01/07/2008 - 22:07 By: Tom Swiss

Did you know that "Obama (小浜市, Obama-shi) is a city located in Wakasa Area of Fukui Prefecture," on the main island of Honshu, Japan?

Seido group at Atsuta Shrine
Tom Swiss Wed, 12/12/2007 - 00:56

Our tour group at Atsuta shrine, outside Nagoya.

meditation at Eiheiji
Tom Swiss Wed, 12/12/2007 - 00:26

The meditation hall at Eiheiji. (Photo from Seido Japan Aichi website.)

Eiheiji group photo
Tom Swiss Wed, 12/12/2007 - 00:25

Our Seido tour group at Eiheiji. (Photo from Seido Japan Aichi website.)

the Daibutsu at Kamakura

Posted on: Mon, 12/10/2007 - 22:09 By: Tom Swiss

This is the Daibutsu at Kamakura, smaller than the one at Nara but I think I like it better, the outdoor setting suits it. (Apparently there was a building around it, washed away by tsunami in the 15th century.)

This one is Amida Buddha, the Buddha of the Western Pure Land. focus of the devotional Jodo sect. The Nara Daibutsu is Vairocana, Dainichi, the Great Sun Buddha of the esoteric Kegon and Shingon sects.

Irreverent thoughts:

Me and the buddha...walkin' side by side...

Tenryu-ji in the fall
Tom Swiss Mon, 12/10/2007 - 21:38

Garden at Tenryu-ji temple. outside Kyoto

on the Magome - Tsumago trail
Tom Swiss Mon, 12/10/2007 - 21:31

a lovely scene along the trail

waterfall near Tsumago
Tom Swiss Mon, 12/10/2007 - 21:16

On the old Tokaido road hiking path, a few km from Tsumago

hiking the Magome - Tsumago trail
Tom Swiss Mon, 12/10/2007 - 20:56

Rain? Cold? We're Seido, man. March on! 8km on the old Tokaido road, nobody on it but us. Beautiful.

Tom with Jun Shihan Toshihide Sawahira, Seido Japan Aichi branch chief
Tom Swiss Mon, 12/10/2007 - 20:51

At the celebration party Saturday night, with Jun Shihan Toshihide Sawahira, Seido Japan Aichi branch chief, a very talented karate-ka and a very nice fellow.

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