From Network World: Emoticon-based “Moby Dick” gets its day in the sun: In the US Library of Congress (Network World):
The US Library of Congress welcomed Moby Dick onto its vaunted shelves this week but it wasn't the famous Herman Melville-penned whale tale version oh no, it was the version told exclusively in emoticon - you know those little signs like J, ;). Emoji are the emoticons typically used in Japanese texting though they obviously are used world-wide to annoy or entertain everyone depending on your opinion of them.
Called "Emoji Dick," the emoticon book project was undertaken back in 2009 by data engineer Fred Benenson. According to the Library of Congress' blog, in 2009 Benenson started a campaign to fund the "Emoji Dick" project and within a month raised enough money to put it together - $3,500.
Here's the Kickstarter video for the project: