fallout continues from Akin's idiotic rape comments Tom Swiss Tue, 08/21/2012 - 01:44

The fallout continues from GOP Senate candidate and current Representative Todd Akin's incredibly stupid comments on rape and pregnancy. Akin canceled an interview with CNN's Piers Morgan; Morgan actually called Akin "gutless little twerp" and opened his show with a shot of the empty chair.

Even Romney and Ryan have rebuked Akin for the comment -- according to spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg, "Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin's statement, and a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape."

And yet, a poll by Public Policy Polling shows that while 75 percent of Missouri voters say Akin's comments were inappropriate, he's still up 44 to 43 percent over Claire McCaskill.

What's up with unreasonable.org?

Posted on: Mon, 08/20/2012 - 23:20 By: Tom Swiss

Hi folks! You may have noticed that the site has been quiet recently, and has now undergone a few changes. I'm in the middle of re-arranging my on-line presence.

unreasonable.org/the unreasonable man will now be my blog on politics, culture, and technology. Other topics has moved to new
blogs, so that you can more effectively find the stuff that interests you:

  • the infamous tms is for my personal musings about philosophy and spirituality, Paganism and Zen (and Taoism and atheism and Discordianism and maybe a bit of Transcendentalism), poetry and music, and suchlike.
  • Peace and Long Life is for discussion of healthful, sustainable, and compassionate living
  • and Sky Hand Road is for my martial arts musings

Later I'll be migrating this site to a newer version of Drupal which will allow more features. But that's going to be an intensive project, and there's just too much going on in this crazy election year to get bogged down in that.

karaoke, Nanzen-ji, and the Osaka way of business

Posted on: Sun, 07/08/2012 - 02:08 By: Tom Swiss

I've had notes on my last two days in Japan sitting here for weeks, waiting for me to wrap up the tale...once I catch up with that I'll explain what's been up since I got back.

So, before I left Osaka...Saturday night, out to The Cellar (small bar in Shinsaibashi with lots of live music -- sort of an Osakan version of Leadbetters) to see Eric play with the Tardy Boys, great to talk with him. After the show, got the idea to have one more drink over at Cinquecento before heading back to the hotel. Ended up striking up a conversation with a two lovely young ladies (ah, if only I'd had a few more days there!) and getting invited to go along with them and their friends for karaoke.

iconic location photo
Tom Swiss Sun, 06/03/2012 - 16:33
what? something behind me?
Tom Swiss Sun, 06/03/2012 - 16:20

What's that you say? Something coming up behind me?

with the Daibutsu ("big Buddha")
Tom Swiss Wed, 05/09/2012 - 18:50

Daibutsu is big, yeah yeah yeah. It's not small, no no no. Kamakura.

temple gate, Nanzen-ji, Kyoto
Tom Swiss Wed, 05/09/2012 - 18:35
shrine at Konchi-in, Kyoto
Tom Swiss Wed, 05/09/2012 - 16:54
sun through a tori, Konchi-in, Kyoto
Tom Swiss Wed, 05/09/2012 - 16:49
Shinto shrine at Nanzenji
Tom Swiss Wed, 05/09/2012 - 15:18
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