"eminent domain for the people"

Posted on: Thu, 08/08/2013 - 09:56 By: Tom Swiss

It's worth noting that this innovative solution comes from a town whose mayor, Gayle McLaughlin, is a Green Party member. You won't see this from either major party, since both the Ds and the Rs are firmly corporatist.

'Eminent Domain for the People' Leaves Wall Street Furious (Common Dreams)

'Eminent domain' has long been a dirty term for housing justice advocates who have seen municipalities invoke public seizure laws to displace residents and communities to make way for highways, shopping malls, and other big dollar projects.

But in Richmond, city officials are using eminent domain to force big banks to stop foreclosing on people's homes in an innovative new strategy known as 'Principle Reduction' aimed at addressing California's burgeoning housing crisis.

Richmond became the first California city last week to move forward on a plan that has been floated by other California municipalities to ask big bank lenders to sell underwater mortgage loans at a discount to the city (if the owner consents), and seize those homes through eminent domain if the banks refuse. The city has committed to refinancing these homes for owners at their current value, not what is owed.