
The death of the "collusion" narrative

Posted on: Tue, 02/05/2019 - 11:33 By: Tom Swiss
(article photo)

It's a funny thing that even as the Clintonist mainstream media get more and more settled into the #Russiagate paranoid conspiracy theory narrative and see Russkie influence everywhere, the actual evidence revealed by Mueller's investigation confirms how bogus the PCT narrative is. Jonathan Turley breaks it down at The Hill:

Russia skewers US election as undemocratic, ‘the worst in the world’ - The Hill's Global Affairs

Posted on: Mon, 11/05/2012 - 09:43 By: Tom Swiss

The state of our "democracy" is so bad that Russia -- Russia! Putin-land! -- can fire some legitimate zingers at us. Sure, it's all about distracting Russian voters from their own countries' problems; but then, our corporate media's coverage of Russia's problems does a good job of distracting us from talking about our slide into plutocracy, doesn't it?

Russia skewers US election as undemocratic, ‘the worst in the world’:

The Russian government is lambasting the U.S. presidential race as an undemocratic spectacle amid growing concerns about the country’s own commitment to free and fair elections.

Madonna is a hooligan... and so are you Tom Swiss Tue, 08/21/2012 - 02:21

From "Add your voice to the international outcry against Putin before he attends the September United Nations Leaders meeting in New York."

Madonna is a hooligan... and so are you

Putin is pissing the whole world off. Take action and join the Russian riot.

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