Turing to be posthumously pardoned(?)

Posted on: Mon, 07/22/2013 - 01:52 By: Tom Swiss

Well, it's about time that one of the most brilliant people of the 20th century, a guy who played a huge role in SAVING WESTERN CIVILIZATION FROM THE NAZIS, be given the respect he deserves. Suck it, bigots.

Enigma codebreaker Alan Turing to be given posthumous pardon (the Guardian)

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, a government whip, told peers that the government would table the third reading of the Alan Turing (statutory pardon) bill at the end of October if no amendments are made. "If nobody tables an amendment to this bill, its supporters can be assured that it will have speedy passage to the House of Commons," Ahmad said.

The announcement marks a change of heart by the government, which declined last year to grant pardons to the 49,000 gay men, now dead, who were convicted under the 1885 Criminal Law Amendment Act. They include Oscar Wilde.