Paul Ryan proud of pro-Iraq War vote

Posted on: Thu, 08/23/2012 - 13:18 By: Tom Swiss

Most of the country finally figured out -- too late -- that the Iraq War was a colossal, brutal, and fatal blunder that strengthened Al-Qaeda, killed too many innocent Iraqis and naive Americans, and drained our national treasury. But Joe Conason points out that Paul Ryan has shown that he remains in the stubborn minority who think this was a good idea.

The Wrong Kind of Experience: Paul Ryan's Big Foreign Policy Credential (Yahoo! News)

The Wisconsin congressman may come to regret his flippant response to Carl Cameron last Saturday, when the Fox News reporter asked how he would respond to critics who question his weak national security resume.

"I've been in Congress for a number of years," he said. "That's more experience than Barack Obama had when he came into office." Perhaps he should have stopped there, but instead blundered on, "I voted to send people to war."