Official: Water complaints could be 'act of terrorism' (The Tennessean)

Posted on: Sun, 06/23/2013 - 15:09 By: Tom Swiss

"But you need to make sure that when you make water quality complaints you have a basis, because federally, if there’s no water quality issues, that can be considered under Homeland Security an act of terrorism." -- Sherwin Smith, deputy director, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation's Division of Water Resources. Well, that's one way to deal with complaints about government services: threaten to send the complainant to Gitmo.

Official: Water complaints could be 'act of terrorism' (The Tennessean)

A Tennessee Department of Environment and Conversation deputy director warned a group of Maury County residents that unfounded complaints about water quality could be considered an 'act of terrorism.'Listen to TDEC official's warning to Maury County residents