Hello Kitty AR-15 - evil black rifle meets cute and cuddly

Posted on: Sat, 01/19/2013 - 16:39 By: Tom Swiss

If guns that look like (but do not function like) military assault rifles are evil, then all we need to do to dispel the evil is to make them cuter.

Hello Kitty AR-15 - evil black rifle meets cute and cuddly

They identify "evil features" they can use to generically classify these "military style" weapons in sweeping terms. Of course these features, such as plastic pistol grips, barrel shrouds, and bayonet lugs have absolutely nothing to do with the firearms potential lethality in the real world and are merely cosmetic features. After all, it really doesn't matter what color the firearm is if it fires the same ammunition right? Well, in the "spirit" of the California Assault Weapon Ban I decided to do my best to alleviate the fears of my fellow citizens and gun-banning legislators when I put together a new AR-15 for my wife.