Could a nose spray lower the Army's suicide rate? (Yahoo! News)

Posted on: Tue, 08/21/2012 - 11:05 By: Tom Swiss

Suicide among our soldiers is a terrible problem. But rather than ending the use of our military as pawns in a game of imperialist capitalism, let's drug them with something that creates a rapid "euphoric and calming effect." That couldn't possibly go wrong. (Anyone else reminded of the future soldiers we see in the pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation?)

Could a nose spray lower the Army's suicide rate? (Yahoo! News)

More soldiers have committed suicide this year than the number who have died in combat, so the Pentagon is investing $3 million into a quick-acting solution


The main problem with TRH is that it can't cross the blood-brain barrier in pill or shot form. But recent breakthroughs in something called "nanoparticle delivery systems" make the nose a viable entry point for introducing drugs to the brain, says Limer. A spray would, in theory, be able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, working "rapidly" to create a "euphoric and calming effect," says Dvice.

More info at The Daily and DVICE.