Bloomberg’s disregard for Rikers (Salon)

Posted on: Mon, 10/29/2012 - 15:06 By: Tom Swiss

A shining example of the dehumanization of inmates, from Salon: Bloomberg’s disregard for Rikers

When asked about what would happen on Rikers Island — New York’s main prison complex – during the storm, Bloomberg responded, “Jails are secure … Don’t worry about anyone getting out.”

He did not consider that the journalist was in fact asking about the well-being of the near 17,000-strong inmate population, incarcerated on water-locked landfill.

Apparently, while all of the rest of NYC has evacuation plans, there isn't one for Rikers. And it's not a mere oversight, since a hue and cry was raised when this came up during Hurricane Irene last year.