Baltimore City cops beat man to death

Posted on: Fri, 07/19/2013 - 12:39 By: Tom Swiss

Baltimore City Paper: "At about 5:15 p.m. two Baltimore city police officers stopped a car for a traffic stop in the 1300 block of Kitmore Road, according to Deputy Commissioner Jerry Rodriguez. During the stop, the police attempted to speak with an individual in the car who they suspected of possessing drugs, though Rodriguez would not confirm if it was the passenger or driver....One of the men fled the car and police gave chase, according to Rodriguez." The incident ended with the man dead.

WJZ news:"Meanwhile, an apparent witness to the incident is telling a different story to WJZ....“They were wrong for what they were doing. Okay, yes, the guy resisted arrest, I agree with that. But at the same time, they still beat him to a point where he couldn’t breathe any longer,” she said....The woman, who did not want her face shown, tells WJZ she saw the encounter between police and the suspect and she believes the group of about 10 officers went too far."

Baltimore Specator: "There's been another "in-custody death" of a citizen at the hands of the Baltimore Police Department. If you're unfamiliar, that's what they seem to call it when cops kill an unarmed person. Last time this happened, the independent Office of The Chief Medical Examiner determined the cause of death to be homicide. Remember Anthony Anderson?"

Audio of eyewitness account, from Baltimore City Paper's Soundcloud account.