Are the Jobs Walmart Is Promising Veterans Any Good? | The Nation

Posted on: Wed, 01/16/2013 - 10:17 By: Tom Swiss

Are the Jobs Walmart Is Promising Veterans Any Good? (Video) | The Nation

Walmart drew positive press and White House praise this morning for pledging to hire 100,000 veterans over the next five years. The plan, first reported by the The New York Times, was formally announced by Walmart US President Bill Simon in a keynote address at a National Retail Federation conference. It was panned by labor activists, dozens of whom marched through the Jacob Javits convention center lobby following Simon’s speech.


“You’re still subject to all the crap that comes from working for Walmart,” Owen told The Nation. “Extremely low wages, poor benefits and everything else. If that’s the best that’s available for veterans, then there is something wrong.”