AT&T: giving your phone records to the DEA since 1987

Posted on: Mon, 09/02/2013 - 10:28 By: Tom Swiss

All this surveillance state and police state stuff that people are just starting to wake up to? It predates Obama, predates 9/11. It's become standard operating procedure thanks to the War On (Some) Drugs.

Drug Agents Use Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.S.A.’s

The Hemisphere Project, a partnership between federal and local drug officials and AT&T that has not previously been reported, involves an extremely close association between the government and the telecommunications giant.

The government pays AT&T to place its employees in drug-fighting units around the country. Those employees sit alongside Drug Enforcement Administration agents and local detectives and supply them with the phone data from as far back as 1987.


Representatives from Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile all declined to comment on Sunday in response to questions about whether their companies were aware of Hemisphere or participated in that program or similar ones. A federal law enforcement official said that the Hemisphere Project was “singular” and that he knew of no comparable program involving other phone companies.