poems, etc.

Zelda's exercises, November 5

Posted on: Mon, 11/06/2006 - 12:10 By: Tom Swiss

More Zelda's Inferno exercises:

1) free-write on the phrase: "the time he was buried alive"

the time he was buried alive, in sand at the beach by his older sister, who then went off and left him, just his face sticking out, getting sunburned, biting flies on his cheeks, that time seemed now to have been a foreshadowing of all of his relationships with women

the time he was buried alive in rose petals, tickertape, praise, buried in adulation, stuck in it unable to move

Zelda's exercise, Oct 29

Posted on: Sun, 10/29/2006 - 22:29 By: Tom Swiss

This week's Zelda's Inferno exercise was the "poetry obstacle course":

an empty bottle holds space, like the empty arms of one whose lover is gone
fire pulls in air from all sides and then pushes it upward
the river shapes its bed;
the riverbed shapes the river
books press the life out of words;
the reader breathes them back in
the waitress brought me coffee like a valkyrie taking me to Valhalla
seconds move by in a way that could be called "ticking" except that they were silent

oil and water still didn't mix
so he added an emulsifier

he pulled the planet toward him

Zelda's exercise, Oct 22

Posted on: Mon, 10/23/2006 - 11:13 By: Tom Swiss

Another set of Zelda's Inferno exercises:

1) given three phrases (selected from random texts):

I remember when it was so clean
maintaining close family ties
in order to live well

connect them in a poem:

to live well, I am starting to think, is less
about the outside than about the inside -
(hardly a stunning revelation but one that in this world must be repeated over and over
antihypnotic counter-charm against advertising etcetera)

Zelda's exercise, October 15

Posted on: Mon, 10/16/2006 - 12:06 By: Tom Swiss

Another Zelda's Inferno exercise. This one was a little more complicated:

1) Everyone in the group got a sheet of paper. They wrote a single line or phrase at the top, then passed the paper to the person next to them. That person wrote the "opposite", in the sense of "The Opposites Game" seen here, phrase on the next line, then folded the paper over so only their line was visibile, and passed it to the next person, who wrote an "opposite" line (which, this not being mathematics, was quite different than the first line). Each page was passed around until it had traversed the whole group. We all then looked at all the pages and each copied all the lines that we had written (one on each sheet). Those lines then provided source material for a poem.

Zelda's exercise, Oct 8

Posted on: Mon, 10/09/2006 - 16:38 By: Tom Swiss

A little Zelda's Inferno exercise: freewrite on the phrase "floating at the top of the arc"

floating at the top of the arc, weightless, like an astonaut training flight, to go up and hang in the sky, and be free of the grip of the ground. floating at the top of the arc, the sweet moment in between the work and the decay, between the crushing launch and the crushing fall. floating at the top of the arc, the one perfect moment, that can only be found mathematically, not in the actual experience, a single point of inflection. floating at the top of the arc, floating at the top of the arc, rising and falling and rising and falling actions of plots.

Zelda's exercise, Oct 1

Posted on: Mon, 10/02/2006 - 14:34 By: Tom Swiss

From Zelda's Inferno, another writing exercise. This time, the objective was to make up one-liners and puns (sort of along the lines of the Tom Swifty), using the following word list:

skating catch tackle boring balls base block dirt score play kick competiton fans field cheer watch

Silly, but kind of fun.

- the crackhead who should have never gotten to first base

- do you play soccer? ah, just for kicks.

- And now with the dirt on the O's new infield, here's sports reporter Heywood Yabuzzov

Zelda's exercise, September 24

Posted on: Mon, 09/25/2006 - 14:01 By: Tom Swiss

Another exercise from Zelda's Inferno.

This one was inspired by a scene in the Johnny Cash biopic Walk the Line, where young John is talking with his brother, who is intently studying the Bible. His brother wants to be a preacher when he grows up, and says he has to study because if you want to help people, you have to know the right stories to tell them. This exercise: tell a story that helps.

a story from I don't know where, from I don't know when
that I come back to when I feel insignificant, inferior:

Once there was a stonecutter, who spent his days carving rocks from the side of a mountain with a hammer and chisel.

Zelda's exercises, September 17

Posted on: Mon, 09/18/2006 - 13:06 By: Tom Swiss

More exercises from Zelda's:

1) Connect these two lines:

It was the best of times, it was the - holy shit! What the hell is that?


And as she fell into his arms she lost all hope

It was the best of times, it was the - holy shit! What the hell is that?

She jumped in her chair
almost dropped the book
at the thunderous crash outside

and then the door opened
and he walked in
without warning
he walked back in
to the house
to her life
walked back in
after five years

walked back in
like the moon returning to the sky

9/11 + 5

Posted on: Mon, 09/11/2006 - 19:48 By: Tom Swiss

Seems wrong to let the day, fifth anniversary of 9/11, pass unnoted; but there's nothing new to say. I'll just point to what I posted this time last year.

Here's lyrics to a song a wrote about that day (which will be on my forthcoming CD, whenever I get around to finishing that):

"No Words of Wisdom"
Tom Swiss

Everybody's looking at me
They ask me to sing and play
But I've got no words of wisdom
For a day like today

I came down here with my guitar
To help you pass the time
We could have a drink and have some fun
And sing these songs of mine

Zelda's exercise, September 3

Posted on: Thu, 09/07/2006 - 12:34 By: Tom Swiss

This week's exercise from Zelda's Inferno: 5 card draw from a "universe deck", which gave me the following words to use: bitter earth spice kiss love

the love of the earth
slow moving and molten hot
comes to me through
her kiss

the sweet spices and bitter herbs
the fruits and the grains

her love sustains me
as love should

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