I miss the days when there were sane folks speaking for the conservatives, I really do. I want there to be some good fiscal conservatives out there, some bean counters with green eyeshades making sure we get the best value for our tax dollar, and I want some reasonable small-government types to counterbalance the unfortunate tendency towards overreaching regulation. (Though as a libertarian socialist, I'd like even better some small-government types who understand that smaller government should start by removing the attributes and powers of government that support capitalism and aristocratism, rather than those that attempt to ameliorate its deleterious effects.)
But instead, we've got this sort of outright madness:
- National Review columnist John Derbyshire thinks we would be a better country if women did not vote.
- On right-wing site Newsmax, John L. Perry fantasizes about a military coup against Obama. And he's not the first to talk violent revolution.
- Republican operative Floyd Brown, the guy behind the infamous Willie Horton ads from 1988 -- and an ardent birther who claims Obama is a secret Muslim -- has launched a campaign to impeach Obama. Not for any actual crime, mind you, as the Constitution demands, but for "fascism, socialism, Obamaism...take your pick".