Vasili Arkhipov: the most important man you've never heard of

Posted on: Sat, 11/03/2012 - 17:39 By: Tom Swiss

Over the past week or so you've probably heard at least mention of the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, back in October 1962. (The U.S. naval blockade continued well into Novemember, but the crisis is generally considered to have ended when Kennedy , Khrushchev, and U Thant reached an agreement.)

But a little known detail of the crisis is the role of Vasili Arkhipov, regarded by many as The Man Who Saved The World. If you like living on a world that isn't a radioactive wasteland, take a moment to thank Vasili, whose vote was the only thing that kept the Soviet submarine B-59 from launching a 15 kiloton nuclear torpedo in response to bombardment by depth charges from the USS Beale. In all likelyhood such a nuclear torpedo launch would have triggered outright nuclear war.

I missed commemorating the October 27 anniversary of his world-saving veto, but I think I'll hoist a glass of vodka tonight in his honor.