
censoring bastards at Apple are at it again

Posted on: Tue, 04/09/2013 - 22:16 By: Tom Swiss

The censoring bastards at Apple are at it again, this time banning a comic e-book issue for a portrayal of gay sex:

Though graphic material is indeed prohibited as per Apple's guidelines, as Vaughan points out, Saga and other titles have done far worse than what's shown in Saga #12. Let alone the amount of extreme violence that's found in most mature-readers comics

European Parliament censors citizens trying to contact MEPs (Christian Engström, Pirate MEP) Tom Swiss Thu, 03/07/2013 - 15:38

If you're a politician pushing for on-line censorship, and you're annoyed that some of your constituents are opposed to your plan, what can you do? Censor them, of course! European Parliament censors citizens trying to contact MEPs (Christian Engström, Pirate MEP)

Next week the European parliament will be voting on a resolution to ”ban all forms of pornography in media”. After this information became known to a wider audience, many citizens have decided to contact members of the European parliament to express their views on this issue.


But around noon, these mails suddenly stopped arriving. When we started investigating why this happened so suddenly, we soon found out:

The IT department of the European Parliament is blocking the delivery of the emails on this issue, after some members of the parliament complained about getting emails from citizens.

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