The state of our "democracy" is so bad that Russia -- Russia! Putin-land! -- can fire some legitimate zingers at us. Sure, it's all about distracting Russian voters from their own countries' problems; but then, our corporate media's coverage of Russia's problems does a good job of distracting us from talking about our slide into plutocracy, doesn't it?
Russia skewers US election as undemocratic, ‘the worst in the world’:
The Russian government is lambasting the U.S. presidential race as an undemocratic spectacle amid growing concerns about the country’s own commitment to free and fair elections.
The Foreign Ministry this week accused America of hypocrisy following reports that some U.S. states would turn away international election monitors at the polls.
The Kremlin-funded Russia Today television station, meanwhile, is serving up a steady stream of outraged U.S. election coverage, reporting on topics such as the lack of polling places in Indian country and the short-shift given to third-party candidates by the American media.