Fox's "War On Christmas" BS inspires real-life violence

Posted on: Thu, 12/26/2013 - 12:22 By: Tom Swiss

"A Salvation Army bell ringer in Phoenix said she was assaulted outside a Walmart store for saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.”"

See also the story of an African-America Santa Claus shot in the back with a pellet gun during a D.C. Christmas Eve toy giveaway. Shooting Santa and punching out Salvation Army bell-ringers, way to keep the X in Xmas, folks.

The Imaginary “War On Christmas” Inspires Real Violence | The Raw Story

Of course, eventually the audience is going to start taking it to heart if you run an endless stream of stories claiming they’re oppressed if holidays other than Christmas are acknowledged or how very important it is to have a white Santa lest anyone else start getting the idea that they deserve to be included in the holiday celebrations. Some people are really, truly going to believe that ’tis the season for conservative white Christians to be relentlessly assured that they matter more than everyone else, and they’re going to take action if they aren’t getting the special treatment they’ve been told is their due. And so it has happened...