exercise: an alphabet list
Alley behind my parent's house
Baseball games with ghost runners, my brother and I
Car coming down, time out!
Double if it went into the yard with the pool
Equal, me older, but my brother more athletic
Fencepost over there, third base
Gloves, oiled leather, breaking them in, the smell
Here is the true game, in alleys and lots and schoolyards, not in stadiums
Infield fly rule, Talmudic mysteries of the baseball rulebook
Jim, my brother, my opponent, my playmate, the strange relation of brothers
K, the scorer's symbol for a strikeout
Line drive over my brother's head, him turning to chase it up the alley
Mom calling us in for dinner, ending the game
Night falls, game must end
Orioles caps on our heads
Playing the American game
Quick, beat him to the base!
Running to make the play
Summer days, out in the sun and air
Tennis ball instead of a baseball, so we don't hit it too far
Umpire, sometimes we could have used one
Victory, it's sweet taste; defeat tomorrow
Wooden bats only, no wiffle ball, no aluminum
X of crossed bats lying on the ground
Yellow wood of the Louisville Slugger
Zipping through the air