Got to be a Chocolate Jesus...

Posted on: Fri, 04/06/2007 - 07:01 By: Tom Swiss

I know jesus loves me
Maybe just a little bit more
I fall down on my knees every sunday
At zerelda lee's candy store

Well, it's got to be a chocolate jesus
Make me feel good inside
Got to be a chocolate jesus
Keep me satisfied -- "Chocolate Jesus", Kathleen Brennan and Tom Waits, on Wait's Mule Variations

Waits says the song was inspired by an actual proposed product, "Testa-Mints", candies that would be packaged with Bible verses.

Looks like somebody took the idea one step further and made a chocolate Jesus statue. "My Sweet Lord" was supposed to be displayed in a New York gallery during Easter week, but they pulled the piece after (surprise!) criticism from Catholics.