school voucher programs have us paying to teach creationism

Posted on: Sun, 03/30/2014 - 12:12 By: Tom Swiss

"“I don’t think the function of public education is to prepare students for the turn of the 19th century,” said Eric Meikle, project director at the National Center for Science Education." Pretty much says it all.

Special report: Taxpayers fund creationism in the classroom (POLITICO)

Taxpayers in 14 states will bankroll nearly $1 billion this year in tuition for private schools, including hundreds of religious schools that teach Earth is less than 10,000 years old, Adam and Eve strolled the garden with dinosaurs, and much of modern biology, geology and cosmology is a web of lies.

Now a major push to expand these voucher programs is under way from Alaska to New York, a development that seems certain to sharply increase the investment.