prop. 8 lawyer's stepdaughter about to be same-sex married

Posted on: Fri, 04/18/2014 - 11:36 By: Tom Swiss

Ah, sweet sweet irony. This, folks, is how and why bigotry always falls in the end.

Prop 8 lawyer's views on gay marriage evolving

The lawyer who argued before the Supreme Court in favor of upholding California's ban on gay marriage learned while he was handling the case that one of his children is gay and now is helping her plan her wedding with another woman.

Attorney Charles Cooper says his view of same-sex marriage is evolving after having argued in court that gay unions could undermine marriages between a man and a woman.


Cooper learned that his stepdaughter Ashley was gay as the Proposition 8 case wound its way through appellate court, according to a forthcoming book about the lengthy legal battle.