exercise: poem using computer terms

Posted on: Sun, 08/24/2008 - 22:14 By: Tom Swiss

Zelda's Inferno exercise: write a poem

1) using computer terms: firewall, magic cookie, Beowulf cluster, net, ping, socket, port, cloud, hard drive, nesting, software, connection, memory, icon, wallpaper, screensaver, virtual, avatar, pornography, instant messenger, e-mail, web, online, link, recursion, motherboard, chip, trace, echo, print, read, write, compress, crash

2) in a poem referring to physical or mental place

3) using the ten-three line

when I am thinking of magic I think
modern technology incantations:

motherboard, daughterboard, blessed be thou
virtual avatar come to me now

recursive coding of algorithms
beowulf clusters of cheap old machines
penetrate mysteries numerical

circuitboard traces that link all my chips
binding together electronic tricks

processor, memory, bits fly around
cyberspace networks, the data is found

firewalls protect my network from harm
filtering packets, a new magic charm

compressing data to make it be small
unzip it later you'll still see it all

A P.S. to the exercise: Nicole had a wheelchair accident, so we're sending her a card. I wrote:

our good friend Nicole she really is tops
overcomes obstacles cannot be stopped
a broken collarbone won't keep her down
we know that soon she'll be up and around!