Zelda's Inferno exercise: intelligence test

Posted on: Sun, 09/07/2008 - 20:45 By: Tom Swiss

Our exercise this week was another "intelligence test", where we made up goofy multiple-choice questions for each other, then wrote poems based off the answers we chose. My questions:

1) Where would you look for your lost keys?

  • in a pants pocket
  • in your dog's mouth *
  • in between the pages of a book
  • in a parallel universe

2) When is the best time to see the moon?

  • on election day
  • at night
  • at last call at the bar *
  • 12:17 in the morning on February 29th

Other's questions, with my selected answers:

what side dish would you be? green tea goatweed stuffed pineapple

if in prison, would want: three feet of nylon rope and a bowling ball

kitchen appliance: fire suppression system

for a duel: pillow

would you become involved in an intimate relationship with: noon

define self as: a short question

how do you hold together a screwless firepit: with flames

how often do you alter your mind: as often as needed

where do you prefer to be touched: the heart

if you had to give up: smell

according to the above text, human evolution resultant from: accident

if you task was to put the following in a tube:
hammers, soda cans, potatoes, lightbulbs

do you like: bones

and the end result:

i like my bones
they hold me up
it's like having rocks deep inside of me

but they are not big rocks
i'm only 5'7"
and so curious
they call me a short question

but I always need to know
must have new information
so I can change my mind as often as needed
at least every three months
or three thousand miles
more often in rough driving conditions

experimenting with dropping hammers and lightbulbs
putting vegetables and soda cans into my cyclotron
looking to repeat the sort of accident that started the universe

i look everywhere for the keys to success
between the pages of books, under the couch, in the dog's mouth

under rocks and stones
and between the bones
the space between the bones
the bones of space
the marrow of existence
the inside of the the inside
the squishy center of the living stones
that hold me up
the girders of the universe