Zelda's Inferno exercise: "To focus & believe creates what you want"...

Posted on: Sun, 01/31/2010 - 18:41 By: Tom Swiss

Zelda's Inferno exercise: supported free-write around the phrase, "To focus & believe creates what you want, like prayers over a Rose Bush will Burst Blooms!" A long one, so I played with it piece by piece, and ended up with a stream-of-consciousness sort of thing.

to focus and believe creates
creation via an act of mind -- only what we believe in, focus on, exists --

at least for us

to focus and believe create what you want
what you want
what do you want?
to know what you want is deep wisdom
you can never get enough of what you didn't really want
and so we spend our days chasing the wrong things
eating food that will not fill us

to focus and believe
to believe to behave to beehive to be or not to be
to focus to folk us, us folk, we
we believe
we retrieve
we re-believe, again and again and again

to focus and believe creates what you want, like prayers
now I lay me down to sleep, hail mary, who art in heaven, bless us o lord and these thy gifts, for we believe in one god
or two, or three, or a hundred, or a thousand, or zero
we believe in minus one god
we believe in the square root of minus one god
we believe in an imaginary number of gods, in an irrational number of gods, in a transcendental number of gods, in an aleph-null number of gods, in a square number of gods, in a perfect number of gods, in a prime number of gods

to focus
like a camera
like the eye
like a laser
like a magnifying glass focusing sunlight to start a fire
like a distracted mind swimming in noise and confusion

to focus and believe creates what you want, like prayers over a rose bush
budding petals over thorns
cliche romantic metaphor
but yes, I have prayed over a bouquet of roses, sacrifice to Aphrodite

to focus and believe creates what you want, like prayers over a rose bush will burst blooms
bursting like a balloon, explosion of buds into petals
red balloon, red petals, expanding from a ball to an open surface, falling to the ground

a balloon, a rose bud, an explosion, the expanding universe itself
each expanding until it rips
and the inside becomes one with the outside