Zelda's Inferno exercise March 30: mini poetry projects

Posted on: Sun, 03/30/2008 - 21:49 By: Tom Swiss

Today's Zelda's Inferno exercise was based "Twenty Little Poetry Projects" from our usual text, "The Practice of Poetry". Everyone put in a couple "projects", and we pulled them out of a pile randomly:

1. (something you did but could never do again) could never climb to the top of that tree again, the branches would never hold my weight like they did when I was eight.

2. (about, or in the voice of, an animal) the dog looked to the door like a desperate man looks to the icon of his god, like it was his savior, like its opening was the second coming of christ, the divine clear light

3. (compare someone to a summer's day) her presence was like a summer's day - a hot, skin-scorching drought-ridden day that sucked the moisture of life from you and left you a dessicated burnt husk

4. seeing out the window of my cubicle a double rainbow in the evening sky, running out of the office to stand in the parking lot to see it better - never lose that.

5. (how did Karla's hair get messy?) dating the era by hair products - Vaseline, Vitalis, gel, mousse

6 (something you wish you could do over) and if I had it to do over again, i would have gone to bed with her, oh yes, I would have taken her up on it

7. (remember the kitchen you grew up in) the avocado green refrigerator, the flowered wallpaper, the red hanging lamp over the small table where my mom would make sandwiches for us

8. (paint a picture from previous line; or, write a line with no nouns) thinking painting tasting illuminating red green flowering remembering mothering loving

9. (every word starts w/ same letter) running reflecting rainbows reward reserving respect rejecting redacted reality

10. (quote the owners manual for your soul) congratulations on your purchase of a human soul! we hope your soul will bring you years of use and enjoyment. please familiairize yourself with this manual before unpacking and installing your soul.