"I was drifting naked on a sea of clothes"

Posted on: Sun, 08/17/2008 - 22:15 By: Tom Swiss

Zelda's Inferno exercise: supported free write on the phrase, "I was drifting naked on a sea of clothes"

I was drifting naked on a sea of clothes
t-shirt and jockey shorts and bra and tangled sheets under my back as I
lay back contented with her head on my chest and my
fingers stroking down her spine
drifting on a sea of liberated energy
drifting on a river whose dam has burst and now flows free
drifting on an ocean of annihilation
drifting on a puddle of bodily fluids, holy the semen, holy the vaginal juices, holy the sweat and saliva, holier far than water blessed by some celibate priest
drifting on a sea of hormones and endorphins and neurotransmitters, a sea of testosterone and adrenaline and serotonin, the body's own wine
drifting on a sea drifting on a sea drifting on a sea as old as life
when the first unicellular creatures drew a membrane around themselves to separate the sea outside from the sea inside they
soon found the way to meet and open to each other and
mix the water of their seas for
the same water flows through all seas and
separateness is but an illusion
i see that now
drifting naked on a sea of clothes