April 20 Zelda's Inferno exercise: a dream of self-discovery

Posted on: Sun, 04/20/2008 - 21:55 By: Tom Swiss

writing exercise: write about a dream that was about self-discovery, where you (in the dream, or in later analysis), learned about yourself.

post and lintel architecture reminds me of her
that's the way they built before they invented the arch
posts on either side of an opening with a crossbar up top
and that's what happens when you fall in love with an intellectual
the abstract notions you discussed while snuggled up on the couch
become emotional triggers

when you love someone who teaches archeology
post and lintel architecture
or Greek triremes
or Egyptian pharonic dynasties
take on whole new emotional colors

I have a couple of recurring dreams
(not the whole dream, just the central theme)
the flying dream, the teeth falling out dream, the dream of secret rooms

now I have a new one, the dream where I can talk to her
without anger, without bitterness

not lovers' talk, no, that is done
just to say
how are you
i'm glad you're well
and hey, how about that post and lintel architecture?

I wake up happy after that dream